A Situation That Has Changed Me to A Better Person
Basically I will just relate it to my experience as a runner as there are a lot of improvements that I have benefit from the experience of being a runner.
Being a runner is not as fun as people might say although many assume that we are just doing it for fun. Values such as punctuality, integrity, patient, responsibility, kindness, empathy and many more could be learnt.
Lastly, being a runner also has taught me about the power of giving (sadaqah). Sometimes the customer will give extra tips to me as they like to do so. Although I want to resist it but I can't. But then when I met customer who didn't have the small change for me, I just simply tell them to keep the change as I realize that I has extra cash from the former customer. And then after that, suddenly the food seller from the place I buy food for the customer, treat me a pack of delicious food. This thing happened frequently during my experience of being a runner.
Sometimes when things get hard, I will remember to these values that keeping to stay loyal to this duty.
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